ASME VIII DIV.1 – New Vessel Construction & Introduction to Design
A Single Week Course, A Full Pass
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What We Will Cover
Price : RM 4,800Location : Puchong Selangor, Malaysia |
The design requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 will be explained and the application of those requirements demonstrated through example problems. General, material, and fabrication requirements with related documentation will be covered. The participants will not only gain the knowledge for design of safe and economical vessels, they will also learn how to pick proper materials, avoid common fabrication problems, and prepare data reports. A number of important Code Cases, which will result in more economical construction will be introduced. The latest Code revisions and the work being performed on future revisions will be reviewed.
Who Should Attend
Individuals involved with the purchase, design, fabrication, or inspection of pressure vessels. (Engineers, designers, fabrication personnel, QA supervisors, and inspectors who work for pressure vessel owners, fabricators, inspection companies, EPC’s and government agencies.) Some degree of technical background will be helpful, but individuals are not required to have an engineering degree or previous work experience in the subject matter.
Introduction to the ASME B&PV Code
General Requirements of Section VIII, Division 1
Design Criteria and Strength Theory of Division 1
General Design Rules
- Shells for internal pressure
- Heads for internal pressure
Introduction to Buckling
Design Rules
- Shells for external pressure
- Heads for external pressure
- Flat covers
- Openings
Sizing of Stiffeners
Design for External Loadings
Design of Nozzles for Piping Reactions
- WRC Bulletins 107, 297 and 368
Definition of Joint Categories and Joint Efficiencies
Fabrication Requirements
- Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)
- Tolerances
- Non-destructive examination (NDE)
- Welding requirements and weld details
- Carbon and low alloy material requirements
- High alloys
- Heat treated materials
Testing requirements
Overpressure protection requirements
Stamping and documentation requirements
Introduction to Flange design
Comparison with Division 2
Research and development work being performed
- PVRC and elsewhere
Design Example Problems
Open Discussion
Questions and Answers
Problem Solving Workshops
- With practical examples
Required Code Documents
- All participants must bring the ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Code to this class. A course notebook will be provided to all participants by ISTI.
Call us for any inquiries about this course
- 03-8061 7275