API & ASME Courses

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What We Will Cover


” NEW “- ICP Introduces Computer Based Testing

Starting in March 2014 API will change the examination delivery method from paper-and-pencil to computer-based-testing (CBT). We are certain that this change will provide for a better and more consistent testing experience for our clients. Please view the announcement to find out about changes to your testing experience.

2023 Exam Schedule and Application Deadlines

Please Note: The Individual Certification Programs at API has launched the new online portal for application submission. We invite you to visit the portal by going to: https:inspector.api.org. If you are an existing client, please activate your account, in order to submit a re certification application or an application for the upcoming December exam. New applicants (who have never applied to API before) need to register a new account in order to apply.

To activate your account you will need to know the personal e-mail on file with ICP and EITHER your API ID or your certification number. If you have any issues, please feel free to contact the ICP Helpdesk at  ICPHelpdesk@api.org, or by calling the helpline at 877-562-5187. We appreciate any feedback on the new system at  ICPSupport@api.org.

Communication Between Certification Exam Applicants and API Staff
Please read this important information regarding what you can expect during the application process from the time you decide to apply for certification until the day of the test. This information will help make your certification experience a satisfying one.



API grants each applicant three consecutive attempts in a 12-month period to pass the examination starting with the first examination administration you registered for. You must pass the examination within the 12-month period or you will be required to submit a full new application and pay a new initial certification fee. (See Exam Info or FAQ for further details on this policy.)



If you need to take the 510, 570 or 653 re certification quiz, please go MYICP and click on the appropriate link to find the list of necessary documents and to log in to take the quiz.

Submitting your application: We will no longer accept any paper-based re certification applications. Please visit the portal at https:inspector.api.org. to activate your account and submit re certification applications online. To activate your account you will need to know the personal e-mail on file with ICP and EITHER your API ID or your certification number.

Please note: Your re certification will be available starting 90-days before your expiration date. Look for the “Recertify” link next to the expiration date of the certificate that will expire. Please do not create a new application.

If you have any issues, or need help with login information, please feel free to contact the ICP Helpdesk at  ICPHelpdesk@api.org


Call us for any inquiries about this course

  • 03-8061 7275